Ultra is the most secure way to operate onchain. From an offline computer, you build and sign the transaction you want to send to the blockchain. Then you scan the generated QR with your phone using this tool. Or paste the signature if you have it in plain text.
Choose your input method :
The following is the online version of the repository Ultra. This tool is a secure way to sign transactions offline. Use the online version as a test just to know how it works. Visit the Github repository for instructions on how to do it offline : github.com/soliditybank/ultra
Key Generator : generate a - truly random - private key. It's valid for both Ethereum and Bitcoin. The correspondent addresses are shown.
Key Generator ➜
Create a new wallet : there are various ways to create a wallet. This wallet will be stored locally in your browser.
Create a new wallet ➜
Sign a transaction : once you have a wallet, you only need to fill the parameters of the transaction and sign it. A QR of the signature will be displayed. Then, you return to this page to send the transaction.
Sign a transaction ➜